T.I.A. This is Africa. (Blood Diamond)
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Clear them little bottles off. And when I get off the phone here, call up Hyman and tell him I want it wall to wall with John Daniels.
Charlie Simms: Don't you mean Jack Daniels?
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: He may be Jack to you son, but when you've known him as long as I have... that's a joke. (Scent of a Woman)
Idea for farce: a poor, eh, a poor loser agrees to do the story of a great man's life and in the process comes to learn deep values. (Crimes and Misdemeanors)
Meg: I feel terrible. The last time I spoke with Alex, we had a fight. I yelled at him.
Nick: That's probably why he killed himself. (The Big Chill)
Yeah, now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a cheque for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules. (Five Easy Peaces)
If I'm doing a fake movie, it's gonna be a fake hit. (Argo)
A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come. (The Wire)
Joseph Turner White: What's an associate producer credit?
Bill Smith: It's what you give to your secretary instead of a raise. (State and Main)
Listen, man. You're my friend, and I know you care about me. And I know you disapprove, and I respect that. But there are some things that I have to do that you don't understand. You understand literature, movies, wine... but you don't understand my plight. (Sideways)
Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown. (Chinatown)
How can you trust a man that wears both a belt and suspenders? Man can't even trust his own pants. (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody. (Goodfellas)
My name is Jordan Belfort. I'm a former member of the middle class raised by two accountants in a tiny apartment in Bayside, Queens. The year I turned 26, as the head of my own brokerage firm, I made $49 million, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week. (The Wolf of Wall Street)
Well, we always got the Diner. (Diner)
You should move to a small town, somewhere the rule of law still exists. You will not survive here. You are not a wolf, and this is a land of wolves now. (Sicario)
Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry. (The Big Short)
Every dog has his day. (Scarface)
Kid, the next time I say, "Let's go someplace like Bolivia," let's go someplace like Bolivia. (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)
Kelly McGillis, she's heterosexuality. She's saying: no, no, no, no, no, no, go the normal way, play by the rules, go the normal way. They're saying no, go the gay way, be the gay way, go for the gay way, all right? That is what's going on throughout that whole movie... He goes to her house, all right? It looks like they're going to have sex, you know, they're just kind of sitting back, he's takin' a shower and everything. They don't have sex. He gets on the motorcycle, drives away. She's like, "What the fuck, what the fuck is going on here?" Next scene, next scene you see her, she's in the elevator, she is dressed like a guy. She's got the cap on, she's got the aviator glasses, she's wearing the same jacket that the Iceman wears. She is, okay, this is how I gotta get this guy, this guy's going towards the gay way, I gotta bring him back, I gotta bring him back from the gay way, so I'll do that through subterfuge, I'm gonna dress like a man. All right? That is how she approaches it. Okay, now let me just ask you - I'm gonna digress for two seconds here. I met this girl Amy here, she's like floating around here and everything. Now, she just got divorced, right? All right, but the REAL ending of the movie is when they fight the MIGs at the end, all right? Because he has passed over into the gay way. They are this gay fighting fucking force, all right? And they're beating the Russians, the gays are beating the Russians. And it's over, and they fucking land, and Iceman's been trying to get Maverick the entire time, and finally, he's got him, all right? And what is the last fucking line that they have together? They're all hugging and kissing and happy with each other, and Ice comes up to Maverick, and he says, "Man, you can ride my tail, anytime!" And what does Maverick say? "You can ride mine!" Swordfight! Swordfight! Fuckin' A, man! (Sleep with Me)